
General Readers' Advisory Links

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Saved by Michele Leininger
on March 1, 2012 at 4:21:25 pm

Be sure to check out the links to reading suggestions on the Adult, Teen and Children's pages.


Resources for Finding the Right Book

Resource Name URL Notes
Adventures in Storytelling: Genre Study from State Library of IA http://www.statelibraryofiowa.org/ld/continuing-ed/genrestudy  Collection of genre-specific information and links from a SL of IA class in 2008
AllReaders http://www.allreaders.com/ reviews/summaries in genres by author, title
Based on the Book http://www.mymcpl.org/books-movies-music/based-book  Database from Mid-Continent Public Library (MO) that lists movies based on books
BookBrowse http://www.bookbrowse.com  This is a subscription database, but does include many free areas and booklists that it is worth a look
 Social networking site for readers and book lovers; gives recommendations based on the books on your reading list.
LibraryThing http://www.librarything.com Collective catalog of users' libraries, search by user contributed tags for readalikes
Overbooked http://www.overbooked.org/ Great place to look at booklists with lots of recommendations!
Readalike http://www.readalike.org/ Collection of reviewed authors by genre.  Also has incredible list of RA links (linked from front page)
Reader's Corner @ MGPL's Webrary http://www.webrary.org/rs/rsmenu.html 
From Morton Grove (IL) Public Library, an impressive number of resources, including the archive of booklists from Fiction-L listserv
Sarah's Reference Warehouse: RA http://librarianinblack.net/librarianinblack/2008/08/sarahs-referenc.html (08-01-08) Comprehensive listing of free online resources (including this wiki!)
Shelfari  http://www.shelfari.com  Powered by Amazon, it is a social networking site for book lovers, but can see quite a bit without creating an account.   
WhichBook http://www.whichbook.net Using a sliding scale, choose up to four appeal factors to create a list of suggested readings; also has a few appeal-factor bookslists


Reviews and Blogs


Series Management

  1. What's Nextâ„¢: Books In Series Database from the Kent District Library (MI)

  2. Fantastic Fiction from Fantastic Fiction Limited, a company in the UK

  3. Juvenile Series and Sequels from the Mid-Continent Public Library (MO)


Print Resources

  • Adult Resources- including resouces on how to do Readers' Advisory
  • Teen Resources
  • Children's Resources



  • BookBrowse ~ two free newsletters: Recommendations and Previews 
  • Booklist ~ sign up for up to 7 newsletters covering webinars, collection development, upcoming titles and more
  • Hachette ~ large number of newsletters including library and popular authors 
  • HarperCollins ~ wide variety of newsletters, covering topics as well as formats
  • Library Journal ~ a number of newsletters, including three for readers 
  • Macmillan ~ large number of newsletter genres 
  • NoveList ~ four newsletters covering both RA and the product 
  • Penguin ~ genre, topic and author sign-ups 
  • Publishers Weekly ~ newsletters mainly focused on the most current titles 
  • Random House ~ on a number of topics as well as a general "What's New" 
  • Simon & Schuster ~ newsletters on topics, genres and formats 


Readers Advisory Listservs

Listserve Name URL Notes
DorothyL http://www.dorothyl.com/ Mystery genre focus
Fiction_L http://www.webrary.org/rs/flmenu.html General RA discussion
RRA-L http://www.toad.net/~dolma/ Romance Readers Anonymous; Romance genre focus


About Doing Readers Advisory

"Reader’s Advisory on the Web: Resources, Case Studies, and Community Involvement," Stephen Cohen. http://stevenmcohen.pbwiki.com/ReadersAdvisoryOnline (accessed 1-24-10)


"Readers' Advisory," from Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Main_Page#Readers.27_Advisory (accessed 1-24-10).


"The Readers' Advisor Online" blog http://www.readersadvisoronline.com/blog/ (accessed 1-24-10).  Be sure to check out the tags "Cool RA Tools" and "Readers Advisory Tips" under Categories on the right-hand side.


"Genre Studies," from Adult Reading Round Table (ARRT).

http://www.arrtreads.org/genrestudy.htm (accessed 1-24-10)


Tools for keeping track of what you've read:

  1. Notebook
  2. Word or Excel
  3. Wiki
  4. GoodReads 
  5. LibraryThing
  6. Shelfari 

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