Resources for Finding the Right Book
Series Management
What's Nextâ„¢: Books In Series Database from the Kent District Library (MI)
Fantastic Fiction from Fantastic Fiction Limited, a company in the UK
Juvenile Series and Sequels from the Mid-Continent Public Library (MO)
Print Resources
- Adult Resources- including resouces on how to do Readers' Advisory
- Teen Resources
- Children's Resources
Readers Advisory Listserves
About Doing Readers Advisory
"Reader’s Advisory on the Web: Resources, Case Studies, and Community Involvement," Stephen Cohen. (accessed 1-24-10)
"Readers' Advisory," from Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. (accessed 1-24-10).
"The Readers' Advisor Online" blog (accessed 1-24-10). Be sure to check out the tags "Cool RA Tools" and "Readers Advisory Tips" under Categories on the right-hand side.
"Genre Studies," from Adult Reading Round Table (ARRT). (accessed 1-24-10)
Tools for keeping track of what you've read:
- Notebook
- Word or Excel
- Wiki
- GoodReads
- LibraryThing
- Shelfari
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